

Uploaded "Yellow+" to the album "In door".

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We bought all yellow goods for shooting at supermarket, home center and hundred yen store.


Straw roll and summer

Uploaded "Straw roll and summer" to the album "Silver".new3.gif

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We shot this series with DSLR on silver salt film. It's one of the first works.


I have not has a darkroom. I don't remember how I developed and printed these. I think these were printed by a DPE shop in my neighborhood.



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Rock 'n' the sun/05

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Uploaded "Ashio" to the album "Spring".new3.gif

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We drove and took pics in the deep green from Ashio beyond Kasuo Pass for Kanuma.We took the first half at Watarase River and Kasuo Pass, and the second half at Kanuma. The shooting spots were four different places.


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Crystal river

Uploaded "Crystal river" to the album "Spring".new3.gif


The canola field in the first half is beside the Shimanto river in Kochi. You can see one of famous Chinka-bash, a bridge designed to be submerged during floods throws across the river.


And in the later half, Surrounded by national roads and old roads, as well as the Yodo Line and subsidence bridges, it is  riverbank of Ekawasaki , from 360-degree view.


Satie followed the stepping stones to the center of the stream.


We passed the car passing the national highway without moving so as not to be noticed.



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Cricking A and C buttons leads to the back and forward. B area and texts are link to top page of album. Pleasse use swipe and tap instead of them on the smartphone or iphone. And dear visiters, if you would like to be an user it is easy and free.

新しいアルバムのページを繰るときはAとCの「戻る」「進む」ボタンで操作してください。B(画像中央エリア)と右上のテキストリンクをクリックすると途中でもアルバムのトップページへ行けます。スマホやアイフォーンではスワイプとタップがその代わりとなります。 現在,他にもブログ以外のページでフレームを廃止するなど,サイトのhtml構造を修正中です。正しく表示されない場合はお手数ですがお使いのブラウザのキャッシュを一度クリアしてください。Win10 とiOS上で,Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari の動作確認しています。 このサイトは全て手作りです。リンク切れなどの不具合や他の環境での動作確認をご報告くださるとたいへん助かります。




Uploaded "RIKKA" to the album "Spring".


Mt. Iwate located from Morioka. They call it One side Fuji in Nanbu because it doesn't have right side.

a unit of Lysichitums in Morioka

How is it? It was amazing wide field which has no shelter, you shall think so, too. It's our true value that we challenge in such location.


Uploaded "Sand beige" to the album "Spring".


These photos were taken early in the morning at Nakatajima Sand Dunes. If you look at the location of this place in a photo of a web map, you may not believe it(lol)


I saw a dog walking far away, but I thought I couldn't miss this chance and decided to take a picture. She was naked all at a sandy beach as far as the eye could see, with no place to hide, so 2 minutes was the limit.


Larch Wood

Uploaded "Larch Wood" to the memories "Mountain".


This was debut work for us on web.The original title of this work was "Winter Solstice". It was taken at Yatsugatake at the winter solstice. trembling !!  Naturally, I wore a down jacket.These photos are images cut out from a digital video camera tape converted to mpeg. This is a work before the spread of digital cameras.
